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After a few months the Poledance teacher asked me if I would like to join a competition. I said yes and she entered me, this was a small Poledance competition for kids (I was 11 years old). I did the competition and finished in second place, after that I got aks by the organization of the Dutch nationals if I waned to do a demonstration at the national championship for adults (age 18 and up). They wanted to see how the audience would react to a children joining the nationals. They all reacted very positive on my demonstration, so a year later the national federation organized the nationals PoleSports for kids (7 to 17). I joined the Dutch nationals that year and won my first title. 

Later the International and national federations expan there federation with adding new discipline, in 2018 they added artistic pole in 2019 they added aerial hoop sports and in 2021 artistic aerial hoop, now in 2023 they will add flying pole. 

All national & world championships I did 


- Demonstration Dutch Championship



- 1st place Dutch Champion novice girls pole sports (IPSF)



- 1st place Dutch Championship novice girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 13th place World Championship novice girls pole sports (IPSF)



- 1st place Dutch Championship novice girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 6th place World Championship novice girls pole sports (IPSF)



- 1st place Dutch Championship junior girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship junior mixed artistic pole (IPSF)

- 11th place World Championship junior girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 2nd place World Championship junior mixed artistic pole (IPSF)



- 1st place Dutch Championship junior girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship artistic pole mixed (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship aerial hoop mixed (IPSF)

- 6th place World Championship junior girls pole sports (IPSF)

- 3th place World Championship artistic pole mixed (IPSF)

- 2nd place World Championship aerial hoop mixed (IPSF)



- No competitions because of COVID-19



- 2nd place Dutch Championship senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship senior woman artistic pole (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championships senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship senior woman artistic hoop (IPSF)

- 15th place Word Championship senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

- 2nd place World Championship senior woman artistic pole (IPSF)

- 11th place World Championship senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF)

- 2nd place World Championship senior woman artistic hoop (IPSF)



- 1ste place Dutch Championship senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

- 1ste place Dutch Championship senior woman artistic pole (IPSF)

- 1ste place Dutch Championship senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF) + world record

- 1ste place Dutch Championship senior woman artistic hoop (IPSF) + wold record

-2nd place world championships senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

-5th place world championships senior woman artistic pole (IPSF)

-2nd place world championships  senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF)

-3th place world Championships senior woman artistic  hoop (IPSF)



- 1st place Dutch Championships senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championships senior woman artistic hoop (IPSF) + world record 

- 1st place Dutch Championship senior woman aerial pole sports (IPSF)

- 1st place Dutch Championship senior woman artistic aerial pole (IPSF)

-2nd place world championships senior woman pole sports (IPSF)

-1th place world championships  senior woman aerial hoop (IPSF) + world record

-6th  place world Championships senior woman artistic hoop (IPSF)

-5th place world Championships senior woman aerial pole sports (IPSF)

- 2nd place world Championships senior woman artistic aerial pole (IPSF)

my full CV:                             Picture's: 



Phone: 0031 6 81 37 29 43

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